Heat Capacity of Steam Boiler

The heat capacity of steam boiler is the evaporation capacity of the boiler, that is, the evaporation capacity produced by the boiler per hour.It is divided into rated heat capacity and maximum continuous evaporation capacity. Boiler heat capacity is an indicator of boiler production capacity, also known as output capacity. Steam boilers are expressed in terms of evaporation. Evaporation boiler unit of time to produce the amount of steam, expressed by the symbol D, the unit is t / h.

Heat Capacity of Steam Boiler

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Boiler rated heat capacity is the heat per hour in hot water of a hot water boiler operating continuously for a long period of time under the conditions of rated return water temperature, pressure and specified circulating water volume. Its unit is MW. The heat of a 0.7MW hot water boiler is equal to the heat of 1 ton of steam in a steam boiler.

The steam produced per hour by a steam boiler during long-term continuous operation is called the evaporation volume of that boiler. The common unit of evaporation is t/h. The evaporation capacity of steam boiler in the nameplate and design information represents the rated evaporation capacity. The rated evaporation capacity is the evaporation capacity of a boiler using the original design fuel, water temperature and design working pressure rating without scaling on the heating surface. The amount produced per hour by the evaporating boiler. In daily operation, the maximum amount of steam produced by the boiler per hour is called the maximum evaporation, so that the thermal efficiency of the boiler will be reduced.

Relative pressure is the pressure measured by a pressure gauge, starting from the local atmospheric pressure and expressed as P. Steam boilers and hot water boilers produce different pressures. In a steam boiler, water changes from a liquid state to a gaseous state after heat absorption and increases in volume. The boiler is a closed vessel, so the boiler pressure increases. The pressure in a hot water boiler comes from the upper water tank or the pump that works for circulating water. 1kgf /cm2 is approximately equal to 0.1Mp.

Heat Capacity of Steam Boiler

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The temperature on the boiler nameplate is the temperature at the boiler outlet, also called the rated temperature. For non-superheater steam boilers, the rated temperature is the temperature of the steam at the rated operating pressure. For steam boilers with superheaters, the rated temperature is the temperature of the steam at the exit of the superheater. For hot water boilers, the rated temperature is the temperature of the water coming out of the boiler. Welcome to consult with ZOZEN Boiler.