DZL Series Steam Boiler Manufacturing

As we all know, DZL series quick-fitting boiler is a kind of horizontal three-return water fire tube boiler.DZL series steam boiler has two fire tubes arranged in the barrel of the pot, and both sides of the furnace are equipped with light tubes and water wall tubes respectively. The combustion adopts light chain grate to realize mechanical coal feeding, and is equipped with blower and induced draft fan to realize mechanical ventilation.

DZL Series Steam Boiler Manufacturing

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We are low emission steam boiler supplier, commercial boiler, hot water boiler, industrial boiler manufacturer, steam boiler. We cooperate with Shanghai Jiaotong University to research, develop and manufacture biomass boilers using wood chips, straw, palm shells, mesocarp fibers, empty fruit bunch (EFB) fibers, rice husk and other wastes as fuel to achieve zero CO2 emissions.

DZL series boilers have high level of automation, automatic boiler feed water adjustment, high and low water level alarm, low water level interlock protection, and induced and blower interlock protection. The operation of boiler coal burning and slag discharge is mechanized, and the supporting auxiliary machines are complete. The boiler products are mature, advanced, stable, reliable and economical, and DZL series steam boiler adopts many advanced technologies, such as threaded tube, enhanced combustion in the furnace, etc. This steam boiler has stable operation, low failure rate and no major safety accidents. The longest operation time of the earlier boilers has reached 10 years.

The biomass boiler is designed on the basis of the original mature layer combustion furnace technology, which overcomes the organization of the high temperature cyclonic power field in the furnace and solves the problems of coking, local combustion and black smoke generation during the combustion of biomass materials at the same time. The combustion rate can reach 99%. Compared with coal-fired boilers, the thermal efficiency is increased from 78% to 85%-90%. Biomass fuels, which are broader in scope and renewable, mainly include crop straw, wood chips, sawdust, peanut shells, corn cobs, rice husks, branches, leaves and hay, which can be directly crushed and pressed into shape. The calorific value is between 3600 and 5100 kcal/kg, which can completely replace coal and other fuels. The most important thing is that the price is lower, which can save the running cost of boilers. As the fourth largest energy source after coal, oil and natural gas, biomass fuel has been strongly advocated and promoted by us because it is renewable, clean and environmentally friendly.

DZL Series Steam Boiler Manufacturing

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It has the characteristics of high thermal efficiency, fuel saving and good economy. The boiler steam pressure automatic regulation system control system enters into operation when the necessary conditions for combustion are met. When the steam pressure in the boiler is higher than or equal to the set upper pressure limit, the control system outputs a stop signal. Until the combustion is stopped.

We are a professional boiler manufacturer, and DZL series steam boiler has been exported to Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Iran, Algeria, Syria, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, Libya, Guinea, Indonesia, Yemen, Mozambique, Vietnam, Cambodia and other countries and regions.