How To Choose Biomass Fired Boiler?

With people’s attention to environmental pollution, the traditional boiler is more and more limited. At the same time, biomass boilers for clean environmental protection by the majority of customers favor, become the first choice of boiler types. How should consumers choose this type of boiler? Today we will find out. Zozen Boilers biomass fired boiler supply, energy conservation, environmental protection, worth customer trust.

How To Choose Biomass Fired Boiler?

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First of all, we should correctly calculate the total heat load of the boiler room. Should be based on production, life, heating per hour consumption of heat. And also consider the coefficient of use at the same time, pipe network heat loss and boiler room heat. Secondly, the use of preheating should also be considered. The cost of fuel varies from region to region, or the pipeline is not well laid, which can affect the type of biomass boiler we choose. To be targeted to choose the appropriate boiler combustion equipment. Each kind of combustion equipment has certain limits to the adaptability of fuel. If the selected combustion equipment is not suitable, it will eventually affect the actual effect when the boiler is used.

We have to choose different boilers according to their different uses. For example, we are more approved of the dedicated heating set do not have a hot tub dedicated boiler, biomass boiler. If it is regional heating, should choose a large capacity of hot water boiler, in order to achieve central heating, over the pot hot. The biomass boiler designed by different manufacturers, because of the design scheme and the choice of accessories materials for fuel thermal efficiency is generally not quite the same. They’re all between 78 and 85 percent. Zozen Boilers, biomass fired boiler supply, high efficiency, long service life, energy conservation, environmental protection, use more economic.

The working principle of biomass fired steam boiler is mainly to spread biomass fuel evenly on the upper grate from the feeding port, after ignition, start the induced draft fan, the fuel begins to volatilize. The flame burns downward and forms a high temperature area rapidly in the area formed by unburned belt and hanging grate, which creates conditions for continuous and stable fire. Under the action of the induced draft fan and gravity, the hot fuel and the unburned particles, which are smaller than the upper grate clearance, will fall down while burning. After a short pause on a very hot suspended grate, they continue to fall and eventually fall on the lower grate, where the fuel particles that are not fully burned continue to burn. The burnt ash particles fall into the ash hopper of the ash discharging device from the lower grate. When the ash accumulates to a certain height, open the ash discharging gate and discharge it together.

Biomass fired boiler in the process of fuel falling, secondary distribution tuyere to supplement a certain amount of oxygen for suspension combustion. The oxygen provided by the tuyere for the third time is the combustion assistant of the lower grate, and the flue gas after complete combustion passes through the flue gas outlet to the convection heating surface. When large particles of dust go up through the separator, they are thrown into the dust hopper due to inertia, while smaller dust is blocked by the dust baffle net and most of them fall into the dust hopper. Only some very small particles enter the convective heating surface, which greatly reduces the ash accumulation on the convective heating surface and improves the heat transfer effect.

How To Choose Biomass Fired Boiler?

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Biomass fired boiler supply can effectively reduce energy consumption and reduce the emission of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. This series of boilers operate environmentally friendly and economize on fuel, automatically feed and discharge slag, variable frequency regulation of blower and induced draft fan, automatic operation of boiler, fuel quantity can be automatically adjusted according to load change, steam output is stable. Welcome customers to contact us, consult related boiler problems, we will serve you wholeheartedly.