20 Ton Gas-Fired Boiler Cost

Every ZOZEN gas-fired boiler cost adopts a low NOx burner to meet the low NOx emission requirement. Through the utilization of staged combustion technology, the combustion can be divided into two stages. In the first stage of fuel combustion, with 70-80% supply of combustion air, the fuel is burning under oxygen-deficient condition; In the second stage, sufficient air is supplied to ensure the completed combustion of fuel. But only a small amount of NOx is generated owing to the lower flame temperature.

20 Ton Gas-Fired Boiler Cost

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Gas Fired Steam Boiler Main Parts Furnace: ensure that the industrial steam boiler fuel burns out and make the outlet flue gas temperature cool to the convective heating surface, which can work safely; Economizer: use the heat of the flue gas at the end of the boiler to heat water, to reduce the exhaust temperature, and play the role of saving fuel; Boiler drum: connect each heating surface of boiler with water cooling wall, drop pipe and other components of water circulation loop. The boiler tube can store the soda water, can adapt to the load change, is equipped with the soda water separation device to ensure the quality of the soda water, the DC boiler has no boiler tube; Water cooling wall: the main radiation heating surface of the boiler, absorbing radiant heat of the furnace chamber, heating working medium, protecting the furnace wall, etc; Combustion equipment: feed the fuel and the air needed for combustion into the furnace and make the fuel ignite stably and burn well; Air preheater: Heating the air used for fuel to enhance ignition and combustion; Absorb waste heat of flue gas, reduce exhaust temperature and improve boiler efficiency; Furnace wall: It is the protective shell of the boiler, which plays the role of sealing and heat preservation. The heavy wall of a small boiler can also act as a support for the boiler components; Frame: supporting and fixing boiler parts, gas-fired boiler cost.

Gas fired steam boilers have high thermal efficiency, large output, strong load adaptability, high degree of automation, easy operation and safe operation. It is an ideal green environmental protection product with high efficiency, low consumption and low pollution. The gas fired boilers supply has realized the advantages of full combustion, pollution-free emission, convenient operation and convenient installation.

The 20 ton gas steam boiler consists of boiler body, base, platform escalator, insulation and packaging, valves, instruments and accessories, front and rear flue boxes and electric control system. The boiler body is formed by the wet-back structure with the symmetrical arrangement of the left and right flue tubes on the lower furnace bile. The boiler barrel is welded by the simplified tube and the front and rear tube plates, and the first return is the furnace bile, which is welded by two sections of waveform furnace bile, Gas-fired boiler cost.

20 Ton Gas-Fired Boiler Cost

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Gas-fired boiler cost, As a leading company in the industrial boiler industry, ZOZEN Boiler has innovated and designed a series of energy-saving, environmentally friendly, ultra-clean emission biomass-fired steam boilers. They are the new choice for large enterprises to save energy and reduce consumption.