Coal Fired Steam Boilers in South Africa

DZL series coal fired steam boilers are chain grate boilers with single pot longitudinal arrangement, and their thermal efficiency is higher than industry data, with measured energy efficiency up to 86.2%. It can be quickly, assembled and semi-assembled out of the factory, reducing transportation, installation cycle and cost by more than 30%.

Coal Fired Steam Boilers in South Africa

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The arch structure of this series of coal-fired boilers is designed according to different fuels so that the front arch coincides with the back arch and is easy to ignite. It can effectively improve the burning degree of fuel, solve the fuel problem of poor quality coal, and make the coal more adaptable. This series boiler is equipped with light tube water-cooled wall on the left and right sides of the furnace, and adopts chain grate to realize mechanical coal feeding. It is also equipped with blower and induced draft fan for mechanical ventilation, and equipped with slag scraper to realize automatic slag discharge.

When the coal fired steam boilers burns, the fuel falls from the coal chute to the grate. After entering the furnace for combustion, the flame is refracted upward through the rear arch through the combustion chamber on both sides of the boiler body and turned to the front flue box. After passing through the front flue box, it goes back to the internal tube bundle of the boiler and then enters the energy saving device through the rear flue box. Finally, it is extracted through the induced draft fan and discharged into the atmosphere through the flue and chimney.

This series of DZL coal-fired boilers work in natural circulation with advanced design performance. The boiler arches are mainly made of refractory concrete, and the flue and side walls are made of high quality refractory sintered bricks. The front and rear walls of the boiler are made of refractory bricks, which have good combustion performance. JOSUN boiler plant adapts to all kinds of bituminous coal and anthracite coal boilers with mixed coal and full combustion. High-temperature flue gas enters the settling chamber and enters the two flue wings and the front flue box from both sides, with good effect of smoke elimination and dust removal.

Coal Fired Steam Boilers in South Africa

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The arched tube plate and threaded tube of coal fired steam boilers make the boiler shell change from quasi-rigid body to elastomer. And match with the gas film flue, so that the high temperature tube plate cracking phenomenon of traditional boilers can be completely avoided.The water circulation circuit is reasonably set to increase the water velocity of the riser and avoid the explosion of the water wall. ZOZEN Boiler is a professional industrial boiler manufacturer, welcome to consult and purchase.