2t Biomass Fired Boiler Fuel Consumption

Biomass fired boiler is widely used in industrial production for its energy saving and environmental protection advantages, so what is the fuel consumption of 2t biomass fired boiler? What is the thermal efficiency?

The fuel consumption of 2t hand-fired biomass steam boiler is 393.77kg per hour.

The fuel consumption of 2 ton biomass chain grate steam boiler is 386.47kg per hour.

2t Biomass Fired Boiler Fuel Consumption

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The thermal efficiency of biomass fired boiler is not much different from that of coal fired boiler, but it is better than coal fired fuel in terms of environmental protection, and biomass is a renewable resource, which is low in processing cost, etc. Different plant species have different calorific value, so you can choose the fuel reasonably according to your boiler and production needs.

Biomass Fired Boiler Advantages

  1. Mature technology
  2. Biomass steam boiler structure is simple and mature, and fuel production is also relatively simple, with a wide range of fuel sources and low prices.

  3. Less pollutants
  4. Biomass fired boiler combustion emissions SO2 concentration is lower than natural gas, is the second most widely used boiler after the natural gas boiler.

  5. Multiple use of one furnace
  6. Biomass boilers can achieve a furnace multi-purpose, heating and hot water bathing can be, with a very good conversion system.

  7. Low cost
  8. Biomass boilers have low operating costs and low failure rate, which reduces the production cost of enterprises.

2t Biomass Fired Boiler Fuel Consumption

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