1.4 mw boilers gas fired automation system

1.4 mw boilers gas fired automation system

Composition of gas boiler automation system

The traditional heating method in north China is to provide heat by burning coal, but the air pollution caused by burning coal is very serious, which is inconsistent with the concept of building an environment-friendly society in China. Therefore, in order to further improve the atmospheric environment and use clean energy as widely as possible, gas-fired boiler system is gradually used for central heating in northern China. Gas boiler system in several years of development time, its automation level has been constantly improved, gas boiler automation system is also gradually formed. Gas boiler automation system is not a fully integrated heating system, it is mainly composed of combustion control system, gas monitoring alarm linkage system, heating system three parts.

1.4 mw boilers gas fired automation system1.4 mw boilers gas fired automation system

Composition of gas boiler automation system advantage

1.1 combustion control system

The combustion control system is mainly in the fuel combustion stage, through the control of the fuel configuration and temperature to achieve full fuel combustion and avoid the non-standard emission of harmful substances. The boiler combustion control system will allocate and control the reasonable proportion between the natural gas and the air when the fuel is burning, so as to make the natural gas full combustion as far as possible and avoid the waste of gas resources. At the same time, through the real-time monitoring and control of the boiler temperature, effectively reduce the emission of harmful substances, including nitrogen oxides and sulfide emissions. This process is completed by automatic regulation and proper manual monitoring, which is conducive to improving the environmental protection and stability of gas-fired boilers.

1.2 gas monitoring and alarm linkage system

The main purpose of the gas monitoring alarm linkage system is to determine whether the working state of the gas boiler system is within the proper range by real-time monitoring of the air quality in the boiler. The gas monitoring alarm linkage system includes three components: combustible gas alarm, fan linkage box, solenoid valve linkage box, and the alarm probe placed in the boiler can be used for monitoring and warning. In the actual application of combustible gas alarm and alarm detector is linked together, to test the air inside the furnace, whether gas content in the scope of safety standards, once more than the scope of security, alarm will send alarm signal, and touches the fan linkage box and electromagnetic valve linkage box launcher, timely stop gas continue to input, to ensure that the gas boiler using the environment is absolutely safe.

For detailed boiler quotes, you can consult online customer service or email me lexie@zozen.com.